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*Please note that the information provided in our Knowledge Base is general in nature and does not constitute formal HR or legal advice. While we make every effort to ensure information is current and correct, you should undertake your own checks (or check with us!) before acting on information provided.
Independent Contractor Changes: The Essentials
As part of the Government’s “Closing the Loopholes” legislation, there are a number of changes looming in relation to Independent Contractors that employers need to understand and comply with. The latest changes are effective from August 26, 2024. Here’s an overview...
Important Changes to Casual Employment: What You Need to Know
There have been some significant changes to casual employment law following the passage of the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No. 2) Act 2024. These changes take effect from August 26, 2024. Here’s an overview of what’s changing and what you need...
Right to Disconnect: The Essentials
Our recent blog article (click here to access) highlighted the latest changes impacting employment arrangements arising from the Government’s Closing the Loopholes legislation. In this article, we take a deeper look at the changes relating to an employee’s “Right to...
Workplace Surveillance: Proceed with Caution
We were recently approached by a client for guidance in regards to implementing workplace surveillance strategies. Their particular concern related to a work from home employee who, they suspected, may have been "taking it a bit too easy". While they are considering...
Legislation Update: March 2024 (Closing the Loopholes)
The start to the year has brought with it yet more changes on the industrial/employee relations front. These changes build upon other recent changes such as variations to employee authorised payroll deduction requirements, new rules for labour hire workers and small...
Useful Resources to Address Psychosocial Risks
Our recent article highlighting the obligations of employers to identify and address psychosocial risks in the workplace (click HERE if you missed it), generated a few enquiries, including one from a client whose frontline retail staff were unfortunately facing...
Legislation Update: January 2024
Sometimes it seems like the changes to employment-related legislation are never-ending, and further changes over the December 2023 / January 2024 period have served to only validate that perception. As a support to our clients and contacts, we’ve included below a...
Important Changes to Fixed Term Contract Requirements
Those employers who engage staff on fixed term contracts (that is, contracts that terminate on a specific date, or at the end of a nominated period) should be aware that, from 6 December 2023, new rules apply. There may be actions that you need to/should take prior to...
Addressing Psychosocial Risks in the Workplace
Relatively recent changes to WHS legislation (specifically the passing of the Work Health and Safety Amendment Regulation 2022, NSW) mean that employers now have an explicit duty to eliminate or minimise workplace psychosocial risks. The Regulation defines...