Changes to Award Shutdown Provisions

Changes to Award Shutdown Provisions

Following on from a recent plethora of changes to the Fair Work Act, changes to the shutdown provisions in many Awards became effective on 1st May 2023. Many Awards have historically included provisions for the temporary closure of a business...
Guide to the NES #02 – Annual Leave

Guide to the NES #02 – Annual Leave

This is the second in our series of articles covering the 11 National Employment Standards, or NES. These are the minimum terms of employment that apply to all workers in Australia, whether they are covered by an Award or not. Whilst employers and employees can add to...
The Role of a Support Person

The Role of a Support Person

When the time comes that you need to have a difficult conversation with an employee, particularly in relation to matters such as poor performance, misconduct, potential dismissal or redundancy, it’s important that the employee be provided procedural fairness –...