• Our recruitment support is provided on the basis of an initial Recruitment Service Fee plus a Success Fee in the event of a successful recruitment resulting from our efforts. Fees are calculated based on the total remuneration applicable to the role. Details below.
  • This arrangement optimises the value of our recruitment support services. If we manage to help you find and place a suitable candidate, great. If despite our mutual best efforts a suitable candidate is not appointed, your investment will be limited to a value well below typical consulting rates.
Remuneration related to position* Recruitment Service Fee (ex-GST) Success Fee (ex-GST)
Less than $80kpa $2,900 $1,000
$80kpa to $130kpa $3,900 $1,200
$130kpa to $180kpa $4,900 $1,800
$180kpa + $5,900 $2,000
  • *Fees quoted are based on the position’s anticipated FTE (full-time equivalent) salary plus superannuation plus any private use vehicle (valued at $15kpa), plus 50% of any estimated “at risk” payments. If total remuneration is flexible/uncertain at the time of commencing recruitment, the fees are calculated based on the lower band of anticipated remuneration then if required adjusted based on actual remuneration offered to a successful candidate. 
  • Discounted fees may apply to registered charities, and for multiple recruitments to the same role (call to discuss)
  • The Service Fee is payable on project commencement, and includes one complete round of advertising/screening/interview etc….
  • Success Fees are payable in relation to any successful candidate who is, for example: (1) introduced to you by us, or; (2) becomes aware of the opportunity as a result of our efforts (this includes but is not limited to candidates who may already be known to you yet were influenced to apply as a result of our advertising, promotion, outreach or other activities), and/or; (3) is included as part of the screening/selection process managed by us, regardless of from where they are sourced. Any Success Fees due are payable upon the successful qualifying candidate’s commencement in the role.
  • If more than one candidate is placed as a result of a recruitment project (whether to the same and/or a different role), a separate Success Fee is payable for each qualifying candidate placed
  • Note that additional costs will apply if you require any of the following support options (rest assured, we’ll seek your advance approval for any additional costs): paid advertising; drafting complete position descriptions; psychometric and/or skills assessments; criminal record/qualification checks, and/or; drafting employment contracts/offers. Any travel costs beyond Sydney metro area (for attendance at interviews, for example) will also be discussed and agreed in advance.
  • Unlike typical recruitment agencies, we do not charge a percentage (frequently 15-20%) of the successful candidate’s annual salary. Our focus is on partnering with you to manage a professional recruitment process. As such the Service Fee is payable and not refundable (a) if you elect to not fully complete the recruitment process, (b) regardless of the means by which a successful candidate might be sourced, and/or (c) if, despite mutual best efforts, a suitable candidate cannot be recruited (a discount may however apply to subsequent recruitment for the role).
  • Support Guarantee: If your selected candidate leaves within 2 months of commencement for reasons other than business restructuring or similar, any support we provide relating to subsequent recruitment to the role will be at a discounted rate (50% discount is indicative, to be confirmed and excluding costs associated with advertising, pre-employment testing etc…)
  • Don’t need our complete Recruitment Support Package? We can potentially customise a package to meet your specific needs – let’s chat!


These terms and conditions apply to all support/information provided:

  • Information, documentation, feedback and discussions which relate to our work with you do not substitute for your independent judgement and experience nor does our support constitute legal advice. Any application of recommendations, information, documentation provided is at your discretion. Under no circumstances (including but not limited to any act or omission on the part of HR Success or its agents) will HR Success or its agents be liable for any indirect, incidental, special and/or consequential damages or loss of profits whatsoever which result from any services or content.
  • Correspondence, surveys, documents and any other information provided to you as part of our work with you may only be used for the purpose intended, and in your business only. It is not to be distributed, copied or reconstructed for any other purpose, associated entities or external parties.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: We are absolutely committed to providing a service which is of value to you. If you are not entirely satisfied, you pay us only what you think the service is worth. We do however request early feedback in the unlikely event that you have any concerns while we are working with you. Any third-party costs already incurred are not refundable.
  • Invoices are payable within 14 days of issue, and work will generally not commence until payment has been confirmed. Payment via bank deposit is preferred.